Yes, as is everything we do or use in the Public Service.

You will never receive a question like “I want to know what has been done on file X in GCpedia”. Instead, an Access to Information request is probably going to have a question like “I want to know what has been done on file X”. Then you would have to go through your emails, paper documents (even your own personal hand written notes), filing cabinet, electronic document system, AND the GCTools. They are another place to verify on the checklist. 

Don’t forget, if any content on GCpedia, GCconnex, or GCcollab has business value or led to business value or decisions, it should have been saved in your official repository, as stipulated in our IM guidelines and policies. Therefore, that content would already be in an ”ATIPable” tool. 

GCpedia, GCconnex, and GCcollab are meant for transitory information, idea generation, or for sharing purpose. They are not official repositories.