Uploading a file

  1. Log in to GCpedia.
  2. From the left hand menu under Tools, click Upload file.Upload file link, found in the left navigation bar
  3. Click Choose File to search your computer for the file that you want to upload.
  4. Fill out Destination filename (bilingual name is recommended).
  5. Type in a short, meaningful description of what the file is and/or why it is being uploaded (optional)the file form, including the choose file button, and text fields for file name and summary


Sometimes there will already be a file with the same name as the file you are trying to upload. When this happens, you are presented with a link to the existing file, which you can click to view, and a choice of two options:

  • Save File: Clicking this button will overwrite the existing file, so it is highly recommended that you know what the existing file is before doing so.
  • Re-upload: Click this button to go back and specify a new name for the file, if you do not wish to overwrite the existing file.

Tips for success

  • Make sure you are logged onto GCpedia before you try to upload a file or edit a page.
  • Maximum file size for uploading files is 32MB
  • Choose a destination filename that is bilingual
  • Use a meaningful name for hyperlinking - i.e. use social media presentation rather than click here. This helps keep our content accessible.