User contribution pages are automatically generated pages that list the edits that a particular user has made on GCpedia.

You can check your own contributions to refresh your memory about which pages you have worked on (and to easily access these again), and also to find out whether there have been any subsequent edits. This can be a useful quick alternative to accessing your watchlist, particularly if your watchlist contains a large number of pages. Other users' user contribution pages can also be accessed and are useful for seeing how other users have contributed.

To access your own user contributions page, click my contributions at the top of your page or type Special:MyContributions in the Search box.

To access the contributions of a registered user, go to the user page (User: xxxx) and click User contributions on the left-hand side of the screen (under What links here and Related changes).This works even if the user page has not been created yet (i.e. an edit box displays).

example of a user contribution page, with elements numbered

An example of a user contributions page:

  1. The username of the contributor
  2. A search form, allowing you to search by username, date, or namespace (such as Template).
  3. A list of edits, shown from newest to oldest. Each edit takes up one line which contains:
  4. The time and date of the edit, displayed in your preferred format.
  5. (hist) takes you to the page history, so you can see all edits made to that page. This can be useful if someone has updated a page you have worked on, and you want to see their changes.
  6. (diff) takes you to a diff page showing the changes between that edit and the previous revision. The revision after the edit appears below the changes so you can see the result of the edit.
  7. m indicates a minor edit; N indicates a new page.
  8. The current name of the page that was edited.
  9. The edit summary, a description written by the editor (or generated automatically, in certain cases). If a summary begins with an arrow link and grey text, the user has only edited the stated section of the page. GCpedia automatically adds this when you edit a section.
  10. (current) signifies that the edit is the current revision. The page is as the user last saved it. This can be used to watch pages (if your last edit to the page does not display (top), the page has been changed).
  11. If an editor has made more edits than will fit on one page, this line provides links to the most recent edits (latest), oldest edits (earliest) or the next or previous page of edits (newer n / older n).
  12. The blue numbers list the number of edits displayed on a page: 20, 50, 100, 250 or 500. The number you select replaces n in the links to the previous or next pages e.g. (newer 100 / older 100). Views of up to 5000 edits per page are possible by modifying the URL.

The following information normally does not appear:

  • Edits from a page that has been deleted afterwards (unless the page, including the revision concerned, has been restored). If the revision concerned has been restored but not the previous one, then the fact that the user has edited the page is preserved, including the time and the edit summary, and the resulting revision, but not the change.
  • Uploading of a new image with the same name as one that already exists, thus replacing it
  • Deletion or restoration (undeletion) of a page (if the user is an administrator).